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How to Make Homemade Fake Snow for Christmas Glitter Houses


How to Make Homemade Fake Snow for Christmas Glitter Houses

When making your glitter houses, you may want to add synthetic snow to your house.

For this, you can buy it (DecoArt Snow-Tex, Aleene's True Snow, etc.).

Or you can make it. It's quite easy and only requires 3 ingredients.

This blog post will let you know how to make your own homemade fake snow to decorate your handmade Putz village houses.

This snow can also be used to add a nice snowy touch to any Christmas craft, decoration or ornament!


 Fake Snow Recipe:

This recipe should give you enough snow to decorate at least 2-3 glitter houses.

• 6+ Tbs - Baking soda
• 2 Tbs - White acrylic paint
• 2 Tbs - Mod Podge*

• Stick to stir
• Sealable container

*I also heard that some people use white glue instead of Mod Podge, but I haven't tried that yet.

Craft Tutorial - How to make homemade fake snow for Christmas glitter houses or decorations - With Mod Podge and Baking Soda

Put all 3 ingredients in a sealable container.

Stir with a stick until uniformly blended.

You should now have a creamy fake snow blend.

If you would like the snow to have a little more texture, simply add some baking soda, a small amount at a time, and stir thoroughly between each time - until you get the desired texture.

That's it!

Personally, I like to play with the mix to get different textures, depending on the application and effect I want.
The creamy mix is great to make dripping snow (from the roof, for example).
A more textured mix works great for the snow on the ground.
You can even add more baking soda to create a thicker paste that you will be able to use to create solid snow - like I did for my snowman in my Cottage with attached garage tutorial here.

Homemade fake snow with baking soda mod podge and acrylic paint

Make sure to seal well once you are done, as it dries rather quickly when exposed to air. I like to put a plastic wrap (Saran Wrap) on top of the mix before closing the lid, to protect the mix from the air in the container.

Now you are ready to make your own glitter house!

Here is a free tutorial:

DIY Craft - Christmas Village Putz Glitter House - Tutorial # 1 - Simple Cottage - Free Printable Template Included

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